October 01, 2003

I Handled It Badly...

Sorry about the delayed post, work has been hell today. But better late than never, and all good things to those who wait (they also say postponing your orgasm makes for a bigger one, but I am more of a "I want it now" kind of girl.) However, I digress.

Over 4,000 people trucked through this blog last month. Some of them opened this blog and said "Nope. This is not the blog I seek. Move along." Some of them might have been horrified and have started prayer circles to save my soul (but you're too late, my dears. I traded that for a box of unfrosted Strawberry Pop-Tarts a long time ago). And some people may have been intrigued by what was here. Turned on perhaps. Enjoyed and connected with it. Some people may even comment-hesitantly at first (who wants to risk the indignation of not being agreed with?) to the more bold (if there is anything that I hope you get out of this blog, I hpoe it is this: this is life. I am honest here, in this little white space. Be honest with me.)

Who is this strange chick that talks about masturbation, sex, feelings, and hope? Why does she lay it all on the line here? Isn't that stuff private? Well, yes. It is. But itsn't it about time-for the first time for most of us-that we told the truth about how life really is? I never talk about these things, my thoughts, hopes, dreams, vibrators, Colin Firth, self-indulgent weekends. But here it is. Read and enjoy.

So yesterday, for the first time since I started this space four months ago, I got an ugly comment. I thought it was horrible. I was shocked, outraged. Who says stuff like this? Was I so busy trying to beat my genius arch-nemesis Jim at Map Wars that I hadn't realized a line had been crossed?

I was so outraged, I deleted his comment.
And immediately, I felt I had fucked up.

I hate censorship. It makes me crazy. I thought Tipper Gore was a woman in desperate need of a good porn flick and a decent tube of KY Jelly. Book burning is not OK (unless it is "Moby Dick". Then burn away, darling). Telling me what I can and cannot say is only going to go off as well as a pork chop vendor at a Vegetarian Convention. And one thing that my genius arch-nemesis Jim did that made him earn my respect-for good-was he defended the right to speak our minds on his blog, during a very rough bit of commenting.

But whatever you do, don't sign his Guest Map.

Voltaire said: "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it." Now, I am not going to die for this guy's right to make his comment on my blog. But in principle, I agree with the quote. We all have an opinion. This blog is my opinion. I should not have deleted that guy's opinion, no matter how inane it was. And provided the negative comments don't get out of hand and make me dread coming here, I won't be deleting them again.

It's ok to not agree with me. Lots of people don't. It's ok not to like me (I can provide a list of names and email addresses if you want to start a "We Hate Helen" ring. The list is growing exponentially.)

So, here is what was written: "You are a skank. Want me to cum on your face?"

And I deleted it. What I should have done was hope some of you that like this space and what I have to say would defend me in incredulous indignation. Or I should have defended myself with one of the following comments:

- Isn't that what your mother is for?
- Does that line work on anyone but construction workers?
- No thanks. I hear anthrax is bad for the complexion.
- Sorry, buddy. There is already a list of names, and I see you don't have a Guest Pass.
- Colin Firth? Is that you, darling?
- Must be tough life if all you can do to get off is comment something stupid like that.
- Oh I get it. What you really wanted to say is: "We have a complete and unalterable difference of opinion, one of which often leads to a very lascivious persona on your behalf, however it does not proclude my ardent needs to culminate my salacious needs on your visage."

So, sorry about deleting the comment. Provided I don't get verbally bitch-slapped by losers wanting to toy with me about comments, it will not happen again. I realize I can't stomach that behaviour in other blogs, so I shouldn't do it in mine.

And for those of you that like revenge, the poster's email was dan4987@hotmail.com. Perhaps he needs some penile erection ads sent his way.


PS- to the person who found my blog via a mixture of words in Google to: I went topless on a beach on holiday-yes, I did do that, and will the next chance I get.
PPS-to the person who found my blog via a mixture of words in Google to: want to watch a stranger fuck my sister-I have only one word for you. Therapy.

Posted by Everydaystranger at October 1, 2003 06:21 PM | TrackBack
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