Cheddar Time:
1. What's your worst alcohol related experience?
Ah...there are so many that it really is nearly impossible to count. I think the worst behavior I have ever exhibited due to alcohol was at a work conference in the Netherlands that was held at a convent. I kid you not. We actually stayed and roomed at a convent (this was labelled as "cost saving". Indeed. It was literally a foam mattress over a teeny-tiny single bed and a shower room that I had to bang on the lights to get it to work. The meals were held in a dining hall with the biggest crucifix that I have EVER seen in my young life adorning the main wall.) Nuns would pass by in the hallway, and I am sure that they had sniffed me out, seeing as I am a member of Catholics Anonymous.
Anyway, one evening a severe looking nun led us down to a grotto in the bowels of the convent. In said grotto was masses of alcohol. We all dug in like sailors put to port after a year of no beaver. We went mad. And I got into an argument with an English mate (we always get into petty regionalism wars, he and I) and when another guy handed me a British pound note, I thought they were taking the mickey out of me and I-brace yourself-tore the note in half. Yes, I know. Seriously bad behavior. And it turns out that the note was from the isle of Jersey, where the guy had been with his girlfriend on a romantic vacation. This was the only souvenir he had. I tried to make it up to him later by being funny-he took a phone call and went out to the hallway with it. I dashed out there, sat on his lap, and told him loudly that he still had twenty Euros left on his tab, and another twenty minutes of loving left. I thought this was hilarious. His girlfriend, whom he was on the phone with, did not. She dumped him. I felt horrible. And I felt even worse the next day-it was the second worst hangover in my life (the worst was on another work trip in Gothenberg). To this day, I do not drink with colleagues. No good comes of it.
2. What's the absolute dumbest thing you've done?
Oh you name it. The list is endless. And sadly the list just keeps getting longer.
3. What is your biggest crossroad in life? That is, what choice, action, non-action most brought you to where you are instead of where you might have been?
This one is easy-it is a trip to Paris that I took in March 1995. I met a man there that turned out to be crucial to my life. He opened my eyes to travel, to orgasms, and was the trigger in a series of decisions that got me where I am today. I owe whatever I am and wherever I am to that Spring Break.
4. Who are your favorite bloggers and why?
The ones I check in daily are: Better to Grieve than Rescind, Primal Purge, Rambling Rhodes, and Bunsen TV. Some others get checked on a nearly daily basis, including Side Salad and Snooze Button Dreams. And let's not forget our friend Cheddar.
5. What's your best example of ironic justice?
Can justice be ironic? I am stumped. Perhaps because I am still a gullible idealist.
6. Which is more futile, the war on drugs or the war on terrorism?
Gotta' go with the war on drugs here. After all, not many people view "terrorism" as a rite of passage, and most view a little inhaling as such.
7. How many copies of the Sobig worm have you had to delete this week? (round off to the nearest hundred thousand if you like)
None. Does that make me a winner or a loser? Actually, I think it's because we have serious Internet security at our workplace, they fight these fires before they ever get to us.
Posted by Everydaystranger at August 24, 2003 12:15 PM | TrackBack