September 12, 2003

There is a tiny internal

There is a tiny internal conf room on the wing of the building I work in, available for only those who sit around here. They have (finally!) hooked up a conference phone in there, an old desk phone, the type with a list of programmable numbers and a piece of paper next to the programmable buttons that you can write down whose number has been programmed.

I had a meeting in there, and got bored. Me being bored is never a good sign. I get destructive. So in the meeting, I wrote on the piece of paper of the programmed numbers, and entered phone numbers for them. I have added:

- God (if you dial it, you get a bowling alley in town)
- God's mobile (gets you our department administrative assistant)
- The CEO's phone number (gets you Company X's operator, since his number is not listed)
- Tony Blair (found a phone number for a guy named Tony Blair in London, and put his phone number in there)
- My colleague (his number). I felt he needed an ego boost.


Posted by Everydaystranger at September 12, 2003 08:54 AM | TrackBack
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