July 02, 2003

Said PC is back at

Said PC is back at my desk, although less than happy. For some reason, it looks as though the display of all the open programs are enormous-considering I am not a large icon kind of gal, this is enormously frustrating.

That, and although I thought I was dedicated in my pursuit of backing up all my files in several locations so that I would not lose them, I forgot to back up all of my Internet locations, so they are all gone...

It has been an interesting day. Am still in bits about D moving-some moments the rage and pain I feel are so great that I have to just put my head down until it passes-my therapist this morning went over it all with me. Yes, that's right. I am in the league of the masses, and I see a therapist. Guess it seems like the only logical step in my life. I wonder what the next bourgeois step I can take will be. Perhaps botox or a face lift, but since I am still in the under-30 bracket, I don't see that is necessary for a while.

So my therapist made me feel better about a lot. She helped me see that I am not losing a friend...I am just losing a local friend. Whatever, it still looks pathetic in print, but at least it helped raise the mood bar a bit. And anything to help keep me away from the hot oven rack is a plus.

I leave tomorrow for along weekend in Wales, so this space will be quiet for a bit. I am going to just relax, unwind, and see if I can find the bits of my soul that seem to have scattered to the winds. Maybe they will even return. I worry that I will like it there too much-there is no chance to move right now, no way forward unless I do some busting of some molds.

Then again, I was never one for dealing with unhappy situations well.


Posted by Everydaystranger at July 2, 2003 01:55 PM | TrackBack
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