October 14, 2003


As some of you know, I work for a telecom infrastructure giant. I love the work, I love the travel, and I used to love the autonomy and incredible decision making power I had before the recession. I got to decide anything and everything in the work I did (I am a Senior Product Manager. Actually, my real title is "Release Responsible").

Anyway, the situation is tough here. The company is half the size it used to be, and 33% of my group goes in November. Yes, I am worried, for the record.

But the workload continues. Only we are all in a cover-your-ass role here, so this means that we don't get to decide anything, management tells us what is decided, and we have to try to work around it.

My latest project is something I call it "Project Kick My Ass". I don't feel comfortable talking about my work here (for job security reasons), so let's say it is my job to put a body together. I have all the requisite parts to put said body together. I can make Frankenstein. It is do-able, and I have a deadline.

Yesterday, one of my managers comes up to me (yes, one of them. I have FOUR!) and throws a bloody elbow on the table.

"Helen", he sighs, thick Swedish accent in place. "All you get is an elbow now."
"An elbow?" I reply.
"Yes, just the elbow."
"Lars, I cannot possibly make a body out of just an elbow."
"Well, you will have to try."
He walks away. I start beating my laptop with the elbow, hoping it does not ruin my nice trousers.

Later in the day, he comes back and dumps a load of body parts on the table.

"Sorry, Helen. My bad. Here's most of the body, turns out you will get it anyway."
"Lars, I don't see any butt on the table here. And where's my spleen?"
"I know, I know. But spleens are expensive these days. You will have to do without."
I take my bruised, stumpy elbow and start beating the body parts with it. The elbow and I have become close now. I will not ever give up my elbow.

Later still, Lars come back, looking determined. He takes both of my body legs off the table and tucks them under his arms, whistling as they bleed down his khakis. I stubbornly hide my elbow in my desk drawer, hoping it doesn't bleed all over my sour wine gums in there.

"I am going to need these. Since you are working on Frankenstein version 2A, I need to give these to the Frankenstein Project, version 1.D."
"What? You're taking my fucking legs? How am I to produce a body without them Lars? I am already butt-less and spleen-less! If you give version 1.D my legs, it will have three legs! How can you manage that? How can I market my no-legged man? How can you guys decide things without checking with me?"
"Become a line manager, Helen." Lars replies, walking off.

I have padlocked the rest of my body parts into my desk, in hopes that I can make a sort-of functioning body here. I will be implementing my body parts with pieces of chicken, some asparagus, and pictures of Colin Firth. Sealed with duct tape, of course.

What a day. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to take my stumpy elbow and go beat something up.


An update- Damn I have those boys trained well. Have just left a meeting, bound for another. Now, I am almost always the only female in the room, which doesn't bother me since I tend to handle interactions with men better than with women. However, I HATE it when the boys turn to me for admin help, copies, etc. When I do help out, I am always clear to tell them that I am helping out not because I am a woman, but because I am nice.

In my meeting this morning, some documents needed to be printed out, necessitating leaving the room to do it. Everyone looked at the table, not daring to look around to see who would do it. So I stood up.

"Ok," I said. "Ill go do them."
I got up and walked to the door, but turned.
"But I am not doing it because I am a woman."

And, in chorus, four earnest faces replied "No, it's because you're nice."

Good boys.

Posted by Everydaystranger at October 14, 2003 08:33 AM | TrackBack

I'm also the only woman at work. But they see me as one of the guys. There's no WAY anyone would ask me to make copies. Rather, it's, "Heather, buy a bike and do this two-day 150 mile ride thing with us."

I like that much better than making copies. And maybe, just maybe, they'll continue to think I'm a guy.


Posted by: hln at October 16, 2003 05:19 AM

Don-three people in the real world that know me, know of this blog. Two of these three (Best Friend and Dear Mate) work for Comapny X, as I do, but our paths do not cross in the work world. This is perhaps good, since we tend to either get competitive or can't get any work done since we are too busy talking shit!

Posted by: H at October 15, 2003 08:31 AM

Hmm. You're a client of my client's client, which means that project I've been expecting for 2 1/2 years probably isn't going to surface, no? :)


Posted by: hln at October 15, 2003 03:29 AM

Um, I'm a dork. That comment referred to the previous post.

Posted by: Don at October 14, 2003 09:37 PM

I thought no one who knew you in the real world knew of your blog...

Posted by: Don at October 14, 2003 09:32 PM

H, I have always noticed that men in general tend to ask women to do such stupid things like run copies for them. I am guilty of it also. I find myself calling Stiletto to ask some stupid question that I could find out myself just by looking in the correct location on our web site. I have become much more aware of this now and try not to intrude since she is just as busy blogging .. uh.. working as I am. Since I am a contractor who supports government specialist I often get tasked to do these things for them too. I general do not mind helping out my government customer because the man is a great boss who doesn't micromanage me. So I am not sure what exactly I am trying to say here, except that I too, while not being a woman, often get tasked to do that kind of stuff because I understand technology better than most... That is what I tell myself anyway. Plus, if it continues to be a repetitive report (Think Excel, PowerPoint and etc..) I often generate a simply program to pull all the parts together and spit out a simple solution. I call this my RICE bowl and it feeds about 25 to 30 upper management geeks their daily executive reports. As far as making copies, develop an allergy to toner…

Posted by: Wired Nerve at October 14, 2003 08:30 PM

I absolutely don't mind AJ. Thanks for that.

And welcome.
Boa Vinda.
And I used to know how to say it in Russian, "Dobre" something, but my Russian...she is gone...

Posted by: H at October 14, 2003 07:52 PM


Been reading your blog for a few days now. The archives, the most recent postings.

Very open, honest. You hold nothing back.

Makes for good reading - good to know there are more people out there with the same types of problems.

Te cuidas chica.


(I hope you don't mind - but I added you on my list of sites and blogs - if you do, just tell me and I will take it off)

Posted by: AJ at October 14, 2003 06:54 PM

yes, come back to the US. The economy is recovering and jobs are coming back on track.

Plus it isn't a socialist country.

(yes, every country not the US is a socialist country in my book)

Posted by: tom at October 14, 2003 04:37 PM

Another reason to come back to the U.S. Columbus Day OFf.

Was in mangement and cant say that I liked it. I rather enjoy what I am doing now and being responsible for only what I do. And the kicker? They pay me more? Go Figure

Posted by: drew at October 14, 2003 02:38 PM

I can sympathise. After 3 years I am now finally being allowed to research a proposal to get the equipment I need for my job.

Posted by: Jim at October 14, 2003 12:41 PM
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