October 31, 2003

Fucking Drivers!

Here's a little hint about my persona. I can get angry very, very easily (how else do you think I found Don's site?) But there is one thing that sets me off like a firecracker.

Comments about my driving.

Now, I learned how to drive in Dallas. Dallas is known for being a city full of drivers that are not only aggressive, they are armed. And pissed off. And late for work. And putting on makeup. So it should come as no suprise that I haven't a clue on how to be a defensive driver. I am all offensive, all the time.

Kinda' like my blog.

Anyway, when people ride with me and comment on my driving, it really winds me up. Big time. The only accident I have ever had that was my fault was a tiny fender bender when I was 16. Otherwise, I drive very well. Just...er....very fast. And I am all about following rules and am a good girl, except when I drive.

Then I feel most traffic rules don't apply to me. They apply to everyone else. It amuses me further that I am driving in Sweden on my American license, and I don't always know what the signs mean.

For example, at Easter time this year I got a voice mail from someone that was angry about my driving. See, in Sweden, if you write down the license plate, you can dial into a system and get the person's name and phone number.

Imagine that system in the U.S., if you will.

Anyway, when people get into my car, they generally know to shut up about my driving. If they don't, they risk my wrath.

Once, I got an angry message from someone that was livid that I passed them (overtook them, for my English friends) on a road.

This voice mail set me off like a bottle rocket. At the end of my tirade, the ears of Dear Mate, Best Friend, and Partner Unit all lay in ruins. As did the answering machine. I was in an absolute rage. I tried to explain this to my Partner Unit later that night.

"The fucking GALL of this guy!" I screamed. Ed was hiding, Partner Unit wincing as I broke the sound barrier with my anger.
"I know honey." he replied earnestly.
"How DARE he? He wasn't even doing the speed limit!" I ranted.
"I know honey." he replied earnestly.
"I could KILL someone!"
"I know honey." he replied earnestly. "Why don't you tell me where you were when that happened?"
"I was on that stretch of the road just by the road sign of the two cars, one black, one red."
He looks at me. "Did you pass him after that sign."
"Yes! That means the passing zone!"
"Um...honey...That means "no passing zone." You just violated a traffic rule."

That took a bit of steam out of me, but then again, the No Passing Zone sign didn't apply to me.

It applies to everyone else.

Badness has happened to me again today, and I am actually hoarse with anger from ranting on the phone to Partner Unit (I settled for sending off furious text messages to Dear Mate and Best Friend. They know better than to not support me on this one).

Now, Europe has these quaint things called round-abouts, which are the answer here to 4 way stop signs. The idea is that you enter the round-about and yield as things happen. Remember that scene where Chevy Chase goes round and round Big Ben in "National Lampoons European Vacation"? That's a round-about.

Pathetic I remember that.

Anyway, I entered one of those close to my house, fresh from renting horror movies for Halloween ("American Werewolf in London"-oldie but a goodie. "Nightmare on Elm Street Part 20"-newie and likely a suckie. "Final Destination"-no idea. Slim pickings at the video store). There was no one waiting at said round-about so I went through it and then turned onto my street and into my driveway. I got out of my car, and an old Saab came screeching to a halt behind my car.

A guy, perhaps in his 50's, gets out of the car and heads towards me. My guard goes up immediately, since I don't like people approaching me like that. And he proceeds to lecture me about not using my turn-signal.

At an empty round-about.

I listen in stupification.

He keeps lecturing.

I just stare at him.

At the end of his rant, I mumble "OK" coldly and he drives away.

Then Helen becomes Dr. Jekyll. I flip out. I phone up Partner Unit.

"I hate this fucking country! I hate it I hate it I hate it!"
I hear silence, then a slow "Okaaaaaaaay."
"Don't you people have anything better to do than chase me around and lecture me about my driving?"
"I'm going to get a gun. Do you understand me? A gun. And the next loser that goes after me for my driving is going to get it."
"Honey, you can't do that."
"The hell I can't!"
"No, they don't allow guns in Sweden."
"Fine! A knife!"
"You have to get pretty close to a person to use that, dear."
"Fine! A sword!"
"Need an export license."
"Fine! A chainsaw!"
"Yeah, that's ok."
"Really?" I say, amazed.
"Yeah, I'll just drain the gas." he replied.

Of course, the whole screaming end of my part of the conversation took place on the yard. Our neighbors now know of my plots to endanger the lives of anyone that comments on my driving.

But I will have a chain saw, anyway.

So if you see a little yellow Beetle in Stockholm hurtling around empty round-abouts without signalling, better not piss me off.


PS-I think I am in love.

Posted by Everydaystranger at October 31, 2003 07:18 PM | TrackBack

Such a gift, baby. Such a gift.

Posted by: Kaetchen at November 2, 2003 09:07 AM

Serenity-you are my alias. When said pushing from moving vehicle happens, I will tell them I got it from agood source that it was ok.

Drew-I am KICKING myself for not doing just that!

Kaetchen-is it a curse, or a gift? :)


Jean - You know, I have never seen that one (and, incidentally, I was also up past two am last night!)

Posted by: Helen at November 1, 2003 02:25 PM

Brass makes me wonder if I can sodder the chain saw into the Beetle engine and somehow make my Bettle faster...hmmm...

Posted by: Helen at November 1, 2003 01:13 PM

Chainsaw Massacre by an ex-Texan is too good for the Swedish dweeb. Just maim him real good, whilst screeching at him at the top of your lungs.

I *so* understand about the driving. I learned to drive when I was 13... on the Santa Monica freeway... and continued to drive (uncaught!) in LA for the next year. Rules? We don' need no steeenkin' rules!

Posted by: jean at November 1, 2003 09:12 AM

We all know that traffic signs and traffic "rules" only are recommondations from "the government" (insert conspiracy theory here). And, by the way, I actually have driven in a round-about in Tucson, Arizona. I became so shocked when I saw it, I just had to go around three extra full laps.

Posted by: Erik Tjernlund at November 1, 2003 04:20 AM

Going to find some haunted houses tonight. If I cant find any spirits I will bring my own (beer, wine dosnt matter)

As far as the drivers that is funny. Next time I would get his plate get his # reverse directory it and either goto his house the next morning saying "this aint over buddy" or else take his address and sign him up for every possble junk mail there is :)

Posted by: Drew at November 1, 2003 01:16 AM

Sad to say but I think the chainsaw will have a bigger motor than your car has.

Posted by: Brass at November 1, 2003 12:42 AM

Oh my god, I'm rolling from the Don v. Jim wars. See what you do to the gents, love?

Posted by: Kaetchen at October 31, 2003 10:32 PM

Couldn't agree with you more. I learned to drive in Germany so I also drive very fast. (Just ask the police).

I also drove for a living for 8 years and one tends to get rather good at something when they have done it for 8 years.

I am a DAMN good driver and nothing infuriates me more than when I have someone in my car with me bitching about my driving.

I have never once, in my entire life been in an accident that was my fault. And although I have been in three, considering I drove about 400 miles a day for 8 years!!!, I've avoided MANY! accidents. Add those miles up and three isn't that much after all.

Next time they start whining, open the door and push 'em out.

Posted by: serenity at October 31, 2003 10:31 PM
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