October 31, 2003

What's in a Woman?

Besides sugar and spice and all things nice?

Oh wait. I get it. You think I'm fat, right? Is that what that sugar crack was about? I look fat don't I? You hate the way I look! You're a complete bastard! I hate you!

Yup, that about sums us women up.

Since I have had adventures on both sides of the sex track, I have had some exposure to men and women. OK, well, the women were just for sex, they weren't relationships. And actually, most of my friendships are with men, since I think most women are mental. But I understand a few things about women. Let me dispell a few myths.

Women are complicated creatures, boys. We are complicated creatures inside of complicated creatures (imagine "Aliens", only with the little guy inside the stomach infected with PMS). We have enough passion to fill the Atlantic Ocean, and enough venom to dry that puppy right up. And we reserve the right to use either of them as a weapon. Or it may seem that they are being wielded as a weapon, but the truth is, we are stinging ourselves with venom or flooding ourselves with fire at the same moment we are giving them to you.

We are that philanthropic.

When we ask you what you're thinking, it's not to pry, to have ownership over your thoughts, to check on you. We actually just want to know what you're thinking. Because the big difference between men and women is this: women are always thinking about things. Always. Big or small, we are thinking. And when men say "Nothing" when we ask what you're thinking about, we find that hard to believe. How can that be, that there is just static vibrating around in your heads?

I have only recently accepted that one as fact.

PMS is real. Let's not crank that up to a new, unexplored mental illness. Put it this way: for about 5 days before our period starts, we start filling up with hormones, uterine tissues, and wretched vile horribleness. We get bloated and our breasts rival Dolly Parton's. We don't feel cuddly, we don't feel warm, and we get very, very angry very, very easily. This is before we start bleeding like a sieve, in which case the hormones go away but we get bone dry from all the damn pygmy hamsters.

Women are strong. Stronger than we get credit for, I think. Yes, for some women spiders are the end-all, be-all to horrible (I am not one of those women. Spiders are ok. Clowns, on the other hand...). But have you been around a REAL WOMAN during a crisis? Our heads are glued on straight. We understand what has happened and what needs to be done. And goddammit, we are going to fix the situation.

We may fall apart later, but then again, we reserve that right.

And you think we can't decide things. I know how it is. When we are trying to get dressed for an occasion, it takes us forever. Mostly, since our brains get over-whelmed with input. Is my ass big in this one? Does this make my stomach look pouffy? Does this dress make me look like a PTA mom, or someone you would want to fuck over a pool table? These are SERIOUS questions! Do you want us feeling uncomfortable all night, or do you want us relaxed enough so that we may try to shag you in the bathroom?

And we can't ever decide what we want to eat. I know I can't. I can tell you what I don't want to eat, but almost never what I do (unless I want to eat the guy. In which case, I just unzip his trousers and go for the protein shake. And afterwards, I can't tell him where I want to go eat). But if the issue was about nuclear bomb attacks or feeding third world countries, we have answers. Decision-making time, baby.

Were I to decide to give up dick and explore the female side only, I can think of a few things that I would want in a woman. You know. If I were in a relationship.

-Attractive, but not thinner than I am.
-Willing to eat beaver. All the time.
-When an argument is done, it is done. Don't bring it up in two weeks time. Done.
-Please do not look at me with doey eyes and feel clingy after a fight. Let me cool off. We'll have make-up sex soon enough.
-Must be willing to have make-up sex.
-Must not look better in my clothes than I do.
-When I ask if something is wrong, you tell me. If you say "Nothing", then I am going to believe you and drop the subject.
-If I ask what is wrong, don't ever say "You must know." or "If you don't know, that's part of the problem." and expect me to be psychic and know. I don't know. If I did know, I wouldn't be asking. Cow.


PS-Happy Halloween. I am dressed up in a USA hockey jersey today. Last year I wore rabbit ears to work, but no one got it. The Swedes are cool in many ways, but perhaps not know for a wild sense of humor.

PPS-It's looking like my business trip in November will be postponed due to the redundancies here in Company X/Duct-Taped Hamsters. Stay tuned to this site for more info. Or if my trip is postponed, have a party of your own without me, and I can send Luuk (although I think Luuk is off to Jim first.)

PPPS-Personal to Sparks: Always.

Posted by Everydaystranger at October 31, 2003 10:39 AM | TrackBack


Posted by: Helen at November 3, 2003 05:36 PM

Dunno if you'll see this, but are you going to put up a Stars logo so you'll be entered into the Inter-Munuvian Hockey Whoop-Ass Betting Pool? The Stars don't play Washington anymore, but they do have four games coming up against Ted's Sharks.

Posted by: Victor at November 3, 2003 01:35 AM

Bah.. here I was designing a new logo to go on the thongs on wetwired so someone could model them.. guess I have more time now.

Posted by: pylorns at November 1, 2003 04:36 PM

Johnr-I used to love NewsRadio but thought it was cancelled?

Mike the Marine-Sounds about like something Jim would write.

Melo-Ironically, I have three female friends from university, and two now. And that about sums up the female friends list. But when I have a crisis? I call my guy friends. Every time.

Kaetchen-Is it April 20 or 21st that's the cut-off date for Taurus? Let's edge for you to be an Aries. All the Taurus I have come across so far in my life have made my life hell!

Posted by: Helen at November 1, 2003 02:22 PM

Sweet jesus, you poor thing! One of my exes was born today, Halloweenie. One year he promised to drop-kick the next person who brought him an orange and black cake. Teehee.

I'm the 21st. Taurus on the cusp.

Posted by: Kaetchen at October 31, 2003 10:34 PM

I'm all Ram, baby.

And worse-my birthday is April First.

No, I'm not joking. And save the jokes-believe me, I have heard them all.

Posted by: Helen at October 31, 2003 09:53 PM

And I forgot to ask, H, when's your birthday? My birthstone's diamond too. Bull or goat, chica?

Posted by: Kaetchen at October 31, 2003 08:29 PM

If there's a god, I want to ask him/her what the hell was the point behind PMS. For those four-five days, I want to want to shout at every man in the state, "Get on me, fuck me hard and then get off immediately!" It's like the reproductive juices turn me into psycho sex whore, every time. Wait - I guess that's not so different from normal...

Posted by: Kaetchen at October 31, 2003 05:23 PM

"It's looking like my business trip in November will be postponed due to the redundancies here in Company X/Duct-Taped Hamsters."

I told you I jinxed us.

Posted by: Don at October 31, 2003 04:22 PM

Just emailed you a message from it, Jen.

Posted by: Helen at October 31, 2003 04:20 PM

Off topic, but Helen, I need your e-mail address and can't seem to find it.

Posted by: Jennifer at October 31, 2003 04:10 PM

Great post, and all true by the way. Of course if a guy had written it it would have looked more like this:

What's in a Woman?

A Man, if he's lucky.

I think that may have been an actual post at SBD, but I'll hafta check the archives.....

Posted by: Mike the Marine at October 31, 2003 03:31 PM

Thats girlfriends!

Posted by: Melodrama at October 31, 2003 12:35 PM

My boyfriend asked me few weeks back whether I had any gorlfriends or not. I do, three and all from college. I havent made any female friends since then. Why? I just dont like women! I can fight with my guy friends and they forget all about it, but the wimmin! Jeez! You're right. Us women are mental.

Posted by: melodrama at October 31, 2003 12:32 PM

-Must be willing to have make-up sex.


Also, duh.

-Must not look better in my clothes than I do.

Do you like "Newsradio"?

Posted by: johnr at October 31, 2003 11:35 AM

I've had relationships with boys and girls, and I always go back and forth on whether it's the same or different. I suppose the answer is both. On some level you're looking for the same qualities and characteristics in a person no matter what their gender. But at the same time, boys and girls tend to be different (and I'm not just talking physiology here). Like, the relationship vibe is different with another girl -- chattier and more communicative, maybe. And if you're used to being the one with PMS, it can really suck if you find yourself dealing with a partner who PMSes too.

The girly rivalry thing can be tough too. Boys tend to pay more attention to my girlfriend than me, and I hate shopping with her and trying on something and having her say "You know, that looks cute on you BUT...it would probably look cuter on me." Oh well. At least she eats beaver all the time.

Posted by: Layne at October 31, 2003 10:49 AM
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