January 06, 2004

Some Days Are Better Than Others

It seems like all of the lives around me, and mine included, are about as messy as they have ever been. Marriages and relationships are popping apart like bubble wrap. Maybe it's due to "that time of year". Or maybe so many people's lives have been unsatisfactory for so long that they are just now throwing up their hands in disgust, just now reaching that boiling point.

Partner Unit and I are like two ships passing in the night in our household. We barely talk, yet some moments are better than others. He is barely sleeping, going to bed at eleven, up at three am, not sleeping any more than that. But he constantly comes back into the bedroom to check on me, to sit on the bed and try to talk before getting up and leaving. We try to talk, to reach out across the cotton duvet and find another person there, but somehow our words can't make it across the covers, regardless of how much either of us want them to.

Strangely enough, since our battle last week I have been sleeping. Me. Sleeping. For the first time in over a year, I can sleep without sleeping tablets. If I get woken up I can fall back asleep. In fact, I want to spend all of my time sleeping, wrapped up in the covers, the fireplace roaring to ward off the -10 chill creeping along the floorboards. I don't want to leave the bed, to face the jobsites on the web, the rejections in the mail account.

I know what's happening. Combine me wanting to sleep with my desire to not eat (I drink pot after pot of coffee and don't eat until the evening, when he comes home and meals are part of the daily ritual), not leave the house except to walk the dog, and not shower, and it doesn't take a medical expert to understand what is going on. It's called depression. And Partner Unit is severely anxious. We are two people coming apart at the seams in the same space, unable to help each other. There are times when I reach out to hug him or touch his arm, and he moves away. We are not that couple anymore. The touching is bittersweet. We can want it, but the truth is we have to start weaning ourselves off of it. In bed we are two carefully wrapped coccoons, bundled up in our own little spaces, carefully not touching when we are unconscious just as we do not touch when we are conscious.

He won't even look at me. And that's what feels worst of all.

Our relationship starting coming apart a year ago. January 2, 2003, to be exact. We had the most vicious argument of our lives together, and his behavior not only infuriated me, it also terrified me. The awesome power of anger was made patently clear to me, and I must say it was that day that I started to truly pull away from him, to catalog an internal diary that should have been part of a coupled-life, but wasn't.

The truth is, sometimes I want to hug him and tell him life will be ok. To make him laugh and try to ease the frown from his forehead. And sometimes I want to just stiffen my upper lip, and know that this is inevitable. I hate seeing him in pain, seeing him sad, seeing him broken. Our relationship is difficult but I do love him, and I do want him nothing but happiness. I want him to be loved in the way he deserves to be loved, and not the broken landscape that comes from being loved by me. I just want to hug him and tell him...Thank you. Thank you for taking a chance on me. Thank you for being kind in all those times I went wiggy. Thank you for loving me and please know that I have always loved you, and always will. I'm so sorry, darling. I'm so sorry.

And misery loves company. Best Friend struggles with what appears to be the remnants of his marriage (I am not a factor in this one, I am relieved to say). Dear Mate's wife has declared their marriage over, due in the largest part to me. She and I have always basically been enemies. She hates the closeness that DM and I have, she feels threatened by me, and she and I have never seen eye to eye. The final straw was this-once I was laid off from Company X, she was moved into my old group (she works for Company X too, as does DM, Best Friend, and Partner Unit. One big incestuous family, really). The day after the lay-offs, someone provided her with an itemized copy of my phone bill. Then someone (?) provided her with the last year's worth of my phone bills. She is now convinced that he and I are lovers, and they have called it quits.

I should be angry that she has my old phone bills, but I simply don't care anymore. I should be furious that such a breach of security occurred within Company X, but it just doesn't matter anymore. I want to weed myself of any association with Company X, I have nothing but a glowing apathy for that company now.

In a freaky coincidence of Bell-ism misbehavior, Mr. Y's wife found a copy of his mobile phone bill (I think the message here, to all those with turbulent relationships, is to watch your phone bills. Trouble, man. Trouble.) A confrontation ensued over my number (and a number of other issues in their lives), and they too are splitting.

He was extremely broken-up about it in December, but I think that his head is coming around the idea now, and he is beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

And maybe I am a part of that light.

We talk daily now, and mail many times a day. He has become someone that I curl up to and try to talk to. He is someone that knows me and knows how I think and act, and I try to let him in as a friend now, not a lover. I am a bit skittish emotionally just now, and I know he is, too. Sometimes, I feel the worry and concern creep into my heart-shouldn't he seem more excited about the prospect-after all these years and all these chances later-of being with me? Or is he just playing it cool? I know breakups are hard and they hurt-his hurts, and mine hurts. But...

I don't know the dream that is my life just now. I am not sure what it is that I am looking for, or what's at the end of the road. But there are a few things in this big blue world that I know I love. Writing. Mr. Y. My family. My blog.

When you know how you think you want the rest of your life to look, you're anxious to get it moving in that direction and start living it.

Here's to 2004.


PS-I am now short-listed for three jobs, and Dream Job has come through with an interview date-I fly to London to interview on January 14th (unfortunately, at my own expense, but then I am only one of two candidates, so keep your fingers crossed just a bit longer...And I need my Swedish citizenship and I need it NOW so cross some toes, too...)

PPS-more upbeat stuff tomorrow.

Posted by Everydaystranger at January 6, 2004 08:55 AM | TrackBack

sending tons of luck and love your way. *smooch!*

Posted by: kat at January 7, 2004 05:06 AM

If your relationship with PU started comming apart a year ago ,why do you say you have been waiting all
these years for Mr.Y? I think it strange that all the major males in your life have relationships that are falling apart. And yet you profess some kind of

Posted by: Ruburt at January 7, 2004 12:54 AM

Hang in there, kid. You're in my prayers.

Posted by: Jeff at January 6, 2004 09:19 PM

There is nothing wrong with sleeping. It is just one of the greatest feelings in the world. You.. a blanket. Rolled up in warmth. Sounds good to me.

Posted by: Taylor at January 6, 2004 07:07 PM

Good luck with the interview in London next week H.

The new hair looks really good too, by the way.

Posted by: Gareth at January 6, 2004 05:59 PM


You should tell parterner unit what you told us (all the "thank you"s). A little encouragement or a few kind words go a long way in healing what's broken.

Everyone knows good marriages go bad, but most never consider that bad marriages can go good...but they CAN!! Try thinking kindly of partner unit and speaking kindly TO him. Kindness (just like discontentment) can be contagious.

Posted by: Solomon at January 6, 2004 05:55 PM

I know where you are - I've been there, done that. Good news is that you never can tell what's around that corner, and it's usually something better than what you have now. This isn't the end, just a transition (an ending followed by a beginning) - mourn the ending, greet the beginning, work your attitudes... you'll be ok.

Posted by: ThatGuy at January 6, 2004 05:39 PM

I completely empathize with your current predicament! It is a carbon copy (right down to the cell phone bill element - except in reverse) of where my life was in the fall of 1999 as my marriage was in its final death spiral. It was excruciating to go through but it had to happen.

I know you will land on your feet in every respect of your life. It may not be tomorrow or even next month but you'll get there.

Best of luck on your London trip! If you can't wind up in Chicago I'd much prefer to meet up with you and Y for drinks in London over Tel Aviv!

Take care little flame.


Posted by: Paul USA at January 6, 2004 05:29 PM


Helen, I'm so happy you're coming to some understanding of the past year and that things are at least moving to some end. Things must end for new beginnings to be born.

I'm in the middle of an examination of a period of my life that I had long suppressed, so I have an idea of your feelings. I don't have a damn idea why I'm doing it now...oh yeah, it's my blog.

Posted by: Rob at January 6, 2004 05:02 PM

Hang in there kid. Trust me when I say that 2003 was without a doubt the worst year of MY life (with the notable exception of my wedding). Lots of alcohol and sleepless nights - all job inspired. I couldn't be happier that that hellspawn of a year is finally over. No place to go but up for all of us, right?

Posted by: Mike the Marine at January 6, 2004 04:38 PM

Best wishes all around. I'd like to believe that things tend to work themselves out.

Posted by: emily at January 6, 2004 04:21 PM

Aren't those cell phones a bitch? Your records should have never been released but I can't help to think that prehaps Mr. Y should have figured that his records might have been viewed by his wife (especially if she writes out the checks to pay the bills in the house).

Thinking back to an earlier post did you ever have your sit down with PU to talk about Mr. Y? I thought you had mentioned you were going to but I could be mistaken. But if you did prehaps that why he was upset when he couldnt find you?

Posted by: Drew at January 6, 2004 04:15 PM

Best of luck. I know how it feels to watch things start coming apart, with no ability to fix them. It sounds like some things are coming to their natural end--so some things must also be coming to their natural beginning.

If you get your dream job in London, I'll treat you to a pint.

Posted by: angel at January 6, 2004 04:05 PM

Ah Sweets - my thoughts are with you.

I still think that everything happens for a reason and things will fall into place. Good luck with the interview. I'll have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for ya.

Do you think Jean is holding Luuk for ransom?

Posted by: Tiffani at January 6, 2004 03:24 PM

Wallowing in depression isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes we need to take a break from ourselves. The holidays are always stressful...


Posted by: Courtney at January 6, 2004 02:40 PM

Fingers and toes are all crossed for you Helen...and I understand that depression, let it pass, a little is probably inevitable with all the turmoil you are going through.

Posted by: nisi at January 6, 2004 01:53 PM

I'm glad someone is sleeping...even if it is sleep brought on by depression. Best of luck to you on the interview.

Oh, and everything Simon said too...I agree!

Posted by: Sue at January 6, 2004 01:40 PM


I know depression all too well, too. But it is better to go through it with friends - even blogger friends :)
It was so odd - a few minutes ago, I was reading all about your new job possibilities, and new email came to my account, and it was a comment you left on my blog!

Take care of yourself. You will get a great job, don't worry!

Posted by: Beth at January 6, 2004 01:39 PM

I'm going to agree with Simon here.

I agree with Simon.

Posted by: Jamie at January 6, 2004 01:22 PM

Hey Helen..
Wish you the very best of luck for your interview.

Posted by: Lucidly Awake at January 6, 2004 12:56 PM

I like your title too, life is such.

Posted by: Vikkicar at January 6, 2004 11:13 AM

Goodluck on your interview. Your life [based from your post] is like a soap opera. Takecare and Godbless.

Posted by: Vikkicar at January 6, 2004 11:12 AM

I am wishing you all the luck in the world Helen, I really am. This year has got to be better right??!

abs x

Posted by: abs at January 6, 2004 10:58 AM

"When you know how you think you want the rest of your life to look, you're anxious to get it moving in that direction and start living it."

So it sounds like you're way ahead of where you were back at this time last year. And for all the hurt in these chaging relationships, at least some truths are being realised. Best of all it seems some of the most important people to you are still there for you and your relationships with them are getting stronger.

It sounds like in its own strange way everything is coming together; that means this story demands you get your Dream Job AND your citizenship.

2004 - the year of happy endings (no, not those happy endings).

Posted by: Simon at January 6, 2004 10:37 AM
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